eldr.ai | ELDR AI - Manage Users

It's very easy to create and manage Users within ELDR AI

Create a User

Enterprise and Leaders can create Users. Enterprise can create Users for any of their Organisations, whereas Leaders can create Users for their own Organisation.

To do this navigate to User Details and click on the blue + User button.

You can assign a permission level to your User - you can apply a permission level up to and including your own permission level, but not above it.

Simply fill out the form then click on the green Invite User button to send an email invite to the User.

View your Users(s)

To view your own User info simply navigate to the page by clicking My Details.

To view Users in your Organisation(s) and all the information about them simply navigate to the page by clicking User Details.

At all permission levels, you will see a list of all Users in your Organisation(s).

Click on the blue eye icon to see more detail about an individual User.

For security, only the User themselves can see their own API KEY.

Edit a User

All Users can Edit their own account however Enterprise and Leaders can edit their Users/Members and have extra privileges such as being able to change User permissions (Enterprise and Leader) and move Users to different Organisations (Enterprise only).

From the User Details page simply click on the name of the User you want to edit, followed by the blue Edit button to take you to the edit page, just click on the pencil edit icon.