eldr.ai | ELDR AI Integrations - Predictions and Recommendations via API
ELDR AI makes it easy to Integrate Artificial Intelligence with your own digital systems - at any level.
Having AI Data, AI Models and AI Predictions/Recommendations that function on a standalone static basis is one thing (and suitable for many scenarios),
but making them link seamlessly with your other systems is absolutely key to using them to add value in multi-pathway cross-talking multi-domain
circumstances - this is where AI Integration comes in - and is the ability to learn from and give output to your current digital processes and systems -
in real time.
ELDR AI facilitates AI Integration on five levels, which can be used together or individually: (1) Data via API,
(2) Trigger Learning via API, (3) Hook notifications via HTTPS, (4) Predictions & Recommendations via API
and (5) Continuous Learning
Here we will discuss how you can get Predictions and Recommendations via API and how this can be used in system-wide integration.
In the get Predictions & Recommendations via API
tutorial we showed how you can manually fire off a GET/POST HTTPS request to ELDR AI API to get Predictions & Recommendations for each of your Models.
Using the Ask ELDR API you will be able to send inputs and receive predictions and recommendations for immediate use in your downstream systems.
As a recap to the ELDR AI Predictions and Recommendations API:
API Body
The URL to send the request to is https://eldr.ai/api/ask-eldr/{ModelId}
The API Body to send in with your request is JSON.
API KEY - you need to supply an API KEY in the apiKey field for authentication. You get your API KEY from your User Profile: User Management -> User Details.
Type - determines the coverage - type is always "full" until further notice.
Model Variant Id [OPTIONAL] - you can find this at the top of the page in the Model Variant
dropdown and is displayed by default in the API Body of the Ask Page (in this case 1226) - if you don't send it in, the last viable Model Variant
will be used - modeVariantId.
Inputs - an array of JSON objects, each with input values/categories - you must supply all inputs, spelt
correctly and with a value for each one. Note ipcs e.g. Product have double quotes around the value, whereas ips e.g. Age don't.
That's all you need to send in to get Predictions and Recommendations from ELDR AI.
API Response
Now let's examine the response (API Output) in more detail:
The response comes back in JSON and should be fairly self explanatory:
Expected Input Labels - a list of input labels - for reference and debugging - expectedInputLabels
Output Labels - a list of output labels for reference and debugging - outputLabels
Result - an array of inputs inputs, predictions outputs, ordered predictions outputsOrdered and
recommendations recommendations objects - one result object per set of inputs requested - result.
Success - boolean success of API call success.
That concludes the ELDR AI guide to AI Integration - Predictions and Recommendations via API