eldr.ai | Quick Start

This example will get you up and running with ELDR AI and show you the core principles

In this Use Case we will walk through a Customer Product Purchase scenario from scratch, and get ELDR AI to learn from the data we provide.

The same principles can be used for many more scenarios and industries - so don't worry if this example isn't directly applicable to you. We will show you how the same methods can be used for anything from big data intelligence to next step predictions to behavioural profiling, amongst many more.

In this example, we have gathered data about our online customers such as: what product they purchased, some personal/demographic information, and whether they turned out to be a returning or non-returning customer - this is a type of AI Classifier known as Customer Churn and is a common use of AI.

Click here to download a small CSV file (3Kb, 150 rows) containing Customer Data that we want ELDR AI to learn from.

The remaining rows contain our actual data.

We're going to use this downloaded example for ELDR AI to learn from.

Now you're familiar with ELDR AI data structure, let's go ahead and use the example data you have just downloaded.

From the Dashboard, sidebar or nav menu in ELDR AI, go to Create Data.

Enter "Customer Churn" in the Name field and select CSV from the Data Type dropdown as show below:

Create ELDR AI Data

Select the example you have just downloaded in step(1) and upload it by pressing "Create" and hopefully you will be greeted with a success message.

Create ELDR AI Data Success

From the Dashboard, sidebar or nav menu in ELDR AI, go to View Data where you will be able to view your newly-created data:

ELDR AI Data List

For this quick demo, that's all we need to do for the Data side of things.

Now you have your data ready to go, let's create an AI Model so ELDR AI can learn from it.

From the Dashboard, sidebar or nav menu in ELDR AI, go to Create Model.

For this quick start demo, you only need to enter a Name of Customer Churn Example and make sure your Data Source is CSV|Customer Churn (or whatever you called the Customer Data example).

There are plenty of other parameters you can use when you get to know ELDR AI (all of which are detailed in these Docs), but for this example, leave the default values (shown in the images for reference and familiarisation) and click Create to create your first ELDR AI Model.

Create ELDR AI Model - Artificial Neural Network Create ELDR AI Model - Activation and Training Create ELDR AI Model - Optimisation

You should hopefully receive a success message:

Create ELDR AI Model - Success

From the Dashboard, sidebar or nav menu in ELDR AI, go to View Models where you will be able to view your newly-created Model (split into two images below for illustration - you will see it is quite a wide table due to the useful amount of data displayed, all of which will become apparent as you get to know ELDR AI):

Create ELDR AI Model - View Paramters One Create ELDR AI Model - View Paramters Two

You have successfully created an ELDR AI Model ready to learn your Customer Data.

The next step is to Train the Model.

You can get to the Training screen multiple ways, however for this quick start demo we will click the Training Action icon (graduation cap, highlighted with the green arrow) from the View Models page from above:

Train ELDR AI Model

You will be taken to the Training screen where you will see information about your Model:

Train ELDR AI Model - pre training

All you need to do now is click the green Train Model button, which will change to Train ELDR AI Model - training

During and after training (which for this quick demo should take a matter of seconds, but for larger data-sets cans take minutes or hours) useful information will be displayed in the form of a pseudo-server readout, graphs and charts - as you get to know ELDR AI, this will be useful for optimisation:

Train ELDR AI Model - pre training

After training has completed you will get an alert message giving you an outcome of the training. If you have followed this example to the letter, you will hopefully see a success message looking like this:

Train ELDR AI Model - success

Note the Accuracy here. After training, ELDR AI automatically passes all the inputs in again and compares its predicted output with output columns specified in the data. The result of this test is the accuracy.

You have successfully trained your ELDR AI Model and you now want ELDR AI to start giving you some useful information.

With ELDR AI you can get predictions and recommendations in many ways including via an online form, API or via CSV. For this quick start demo, we'll use the online form functionality.

You can get to the Ask ELDR screen multiple ways, however for this quick start demo we will click the Ask ELDR icon (question mark, highlighted with the green arrow) from the View Models page from above:



You will be taken to the Ask ELDR page, where the Form option is open by default.

ASK ELDR AI - known data

On the left of the form are your inputs. These are what you supply to ELDR AI to get outputs (predictions) and recommendations on the right.

To start with, in the input fields, put values in taken directly from the input data so we can confirm ELDR AI has learnt what we told it. e.g. above we have taken from the csv data line 4 "CH63,6,41,Vegetables,Amex" and we are expecting a "1" as the output Churn value after pressing "Ask ELDR(Form)" button. In this case we can see (red box) ELDR AI has successfully learnt to give an output of ~1 with these input values.

Now have a play around with the inputs using other values that you have and haven't told ELDR AI about - these will produce predictions. Some fields will influence the output (prediction) more than others - this is what ELDR AI has found out for us.

You can send in multiple requests in one go by creating additional forms using the "plus" button highlighted with the purple box.

Please note the green box. These are our recommendations and in this case ELDR AI has learnt that customer profiles who purchase Vegetables, also buy Fruit and Potatoes. You will also see in the recommendations section that ELDR AI makes recommendations for all ipc (cat/category) fields. This is discussed below in Insights.

Although we won't discuss it in this quick start guide, while you're on the Ask page it could be useful for you (depending on how you intend to use ELDR AI) to have a look at the other ways of asking ELDR AI - e.g. API, URL, CSV, Text and Chart. Click on each of the headings to have a look. These are discussed in more detail in the docs.

It's useful to be able to get an overall view of how ELDR AI interprets the overall data it has learnt from (or how it holds information in its artificial neurons).

For example, to get a single prediction from ELDR AI we need to pass in all input values, however we might also need to know how each individual input influences the overall output, independently of the others. You may have found when playing around with the Ask ELDR AI predictions page that some inputs influence the output more than others.

This is where ELDR AI Insights comes in to play - we are able to isolate each field to see the individual trends and similarities.

You can get to the Insights screen multiple ways, however for this quick start demo we will click the Insights icon (lightbulb, highlighted with the green arrow) from the View Models page from above:

ELDR AI Insights


Clicking on the Insights icon will take you to the Insights page:

ELDR AI Insights Header

The Insights page is split into two sections (graphs for trends, and heatmaps for similarities) which load independently:

ELDR AI Insights Graphs

Graphs are used to spot trends for each input e.g. how each input on its own influences the output.

ELDR AI does this by automatically generating multiple predictions where the subject input value increases and all other inputs are turned off.

ELDR AI Insights Heatmaps

Heatmaps are used to display similarities between ipc/categorical inputs after ELDR AI has learnt how they influence the entire model.

When the similarity is greater than 75% (as seen above with Fruit and Vegetables) ELDR AI classes this as a recommendation e.g. in this instance ELDR AI has spotted a high similarity between customer profiles who buy Fruit and Vegetables (98%), whereas there is no similarity between customer profiles who buy biscuits and those who purchase fruit.