eldr.ai | Optimise AI Model after Training

Let's highlight this with an example.

Navigate to the "View Models" page:

ELDR AI Training Optimise One

We've just finished training our Customer Data Model and unfortunately it Timed Out (green box) - we didn't get to our desired loss (blue box) within the specified maximum time.

On inspection of this Model, we can see we set our Loss is far too High (blue box) with a Time too low (pink box).

We could do with changing these settings, or trying out some combinations to see what works best.

All we need to do is click the "pencil" edit icon (orange box) and make any changes to our Model as shown in the Creating, Viewing & Editing Models tutorial

ELDR AI Training Optimise Two

Back to the problem in hand....we make our desired changes (green, blue and orange boxes in this case), update the Model and revisit View Models

ELDR AI Training Optimise Three

...and we can see the changes (blue box) have been applied to this Model. Let's Train the Model again (green box), and after Training lets again have another look at View Models

ELDR AI Training Optimise Four

After Training we can see that Training was successful following Training - the current Model Parameters/latest Training is shown in the View Models list.

Click the "clock" history icon (purple box):

ELDR AI Training Optimise Five

Here we have played around with some of the Model parameters and Trained the Customer Data Model after each update, resulting in five Model Variants of the same Customer Data Model. Each one of these variants can be treated as if they were an individual Model, in terms of predictions, recommendations and insights (green and orange boxes):

ELDR AI Training Optimise Six
ELDR AI Training Optimise Seven

Above you can see how the corresponding Model Variants from the Customer Data History are represented in the Ask and Insights pages, where all variants are remembered and can be used.